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Trying to get everyone rowing in the same direction at the same time?

About Us

Cheryl Pope
Cheryl Pope - The Five Behaviors of a Cohesive Team™ Accredited Partner

"We just aren't gelling as a team"

"I feel like a duck on a pond. I keep it together on the outside but underneath the surface I'm paddling like crazy and just spinning in circles"

"People on my team won't do what I want. I swear it's like I'm speaking a foreign language."

"We like each other on a personal level but we aren't getting the business results we need"

These are challenges that many individuals and organizations face. The good news is that Carlton Human Capital can help you address them.

Using The Five Behaviors of a Cohesive Team™ as a base, we partner with organizations and individuals to maximize results for your team. Whether it is two people who don't trust one another or an entire group that fears conflict to the point that the team can't get things accomplished, Carlton Human Capital can help your team bridge the gap between business and people needs.

Whether you know exactly what program you want or are just starring to explore, we can help you develop the best program to fit your needs.


  • Becoming a High Performing Team

    A team in its simplest form is a group of individuals who come together to achieve a common goal. However, the different personalities and preferences those individuals bring to the team can create chaos if not channeled effectively.

    We use The Five Behaviors of a Cohesive Team™ as the base for helping teams achieve greater effectiveness and productivity. Based on the Everything DiSC® model, individual team members will learn about their own behaviors and style as well as the styles of their team members and how
    their style contributes to the team’s overall success.

    The insights gained during this workshop help team members establish TRUST, engage in productive CONFLICT around ideas, COMMIT to decisions, holds each other ACCOUNTABLE and focus on achieving collective RESULTS. We also think is helps create a team that is more fun to be on!

    This customizable workshop utilizes pre-work, engaging facilitation and online follow-up based on your firms needs.

Featured Skills

  • Organizational Effectiveness
  • Conflict Resolution
  • Leadership Development
  • Strategic Planning
  • Executive Coaching
  • Employee Engagement
  • Public Speaking
  • Organizational Development
  • Business Planning
  • Law Firm Effectiveness


  • Associate Certified Coach
  • The Five Behaviors of a Cohesive Team™
  • Everything DiSC