Do you wish your team worked better together?

About Us

Daren Kullman
Daren Kullman BS., MPS.

Daren Kullman is the owner of The Kullman Group, which specializes in organizational culture, leadership, and improving team dynamics. Familiar with the unique situations of the municipal world, Daren works with clients to evaluate and develop specialized programs to end the cyclical frustrations employees, managers and leaders often encounter. Our clients benefit with affordable, reputable and proven solutions that provide real workplace changes. By showing your employees , at all levels, best practices and improving self-awareness, we change your organizations culture for the better.


  • Building Trust

    Using Proven methods that are backed by research we will help build trust among your team!

  • Increased Team Effectiveness

    Is your team focused, and engaged to be as effective as they need to? We have the tools to answer this and give them concrete action plans moving forward!

  • Team Dynamics

    Are all of the members on the same page? Lets make sure they are and give them the tools to communicate and stay on track!

  • Is your Team Producing to its capacity?

    Results are not a happenstance! Results are gained by known and proven methods. We have the tools to show your team how to fire on all cylinders!

  • How well does your team know each other?

    Personalities get in the way of effective team communication, but they don't have to! Lets work together to show your team that once they understand themselves they can then understand each other!