The Strategy Forums Logo

Experience the true meaning of teamwork with The Five Behaviors™.

About Us

Sally Bio
President and Founder at The Strategy Forums

The Five Behaviors of a Cohesive Team™ has a simple goal: To facilitate a learning experience that helps professionals and their organizations discover what it takes to build a truly cohesive and effective team.

The Five Behaviors™ profile, which provides both individual and team feedback, is grounded in the model described in The Five Dysfunctions of a Team, the internationally best-selling leadership fable by Patrick Lencioni. With this program, participants will learn how, as a team, they score on the key components of the model: Trust, Conflict, Commitment, Accountability, and Results. Additionally, the program is powered by Everything DiSC® and All Types™, personality models that help individuals understand themselves and others better. Using these results, participants will be able to create a better, stronger team.


  • Workplace Optimization

    The Five Behaviors of a Cohesive Team
    Leadership and Development
    Strategic Planning
    Emotional Intelligence
    Everything DiSC Workplace
    Everything DiSC Management
    Everything DiSC Sales
    Everything DiSC Work of Leaders
    Everything DiSC 363 for Leaders
    Executive Coaching
    Conflict Resolution

  • Peer Exchange Forums

    Connecting bright, inquisitive leaders with each other and the resources they need to build profitable, sustainable organizations. Peer exchange groups meet monthly for a half-day. Current groups include:
    CEO Forum
    President Forum
    Key Executive - Leading Through Influence Forum
    Key Executive - Leading Through Authority Forum
    CFO Forum
    HR Forum
    Strategic Partner Forum